oceano vox embarks on the Vendée Globe in partnership with Ifremer and RBB to collect thermosalinity data around the globe
OCEANO VOX is a French player in BIG DATA, providing reliable in-situ data collected by vessels and ports as a service.
OCEANO VOX aims to build the most extensive real-time ocean observation network by connecting, empowering and rewarding vessels with free real-time weather & alerts service.
Protecting the oceans by combining field data and AI-based analysis to track and understand environmental impact.
Access unique in-situ weather data to improve your models, risk analyses and train your AI
Reduce your water pollution costs and improve the safety of port users
Optimize efficiency, reduce costs and improve customer experience with real-time tracking and alerts system.
Access unique in-situ weather data to improve your models, risk analyses and train your AI
Reduce your water pollution costs and improve the safety of port users
Optimize efficiency, reduce costs and improve customer experience with real-time tracking and alerts system.
oceano vox embarks on the Vendée Globe in partnership with Ifremer and RBB to collect thermosalinity data around the globe
Oceano Vox was featured in Skipper Magazine n°504 during the Salón Náutico de Genova, showcasing our community-driven solutions for the…
We are proud to have collaborated with Pure Ocean Fund on this Ifremer project and to contribute to citizen science…
oceano vox embarks on the Vendée Globe in partnership with Ifremer and RBB to collect thermosalinity data around the globe